Guarantee Fund
Guarantee Fund is a collection of funds and/or securities administered and managed by IDClear to finance the Exchange Transaction Settlement Guarantee. The Guarantee Fund does not belong to any particular party and is not distributed to anyone except to guarantee the settlement of stock exchange transactions. The use of the Guarantee Fund to settle stock exchange transactions must be paid back by the Clearing Member that fails to fulfill its obligations to IDClear.
The collection of the Guarantee Fund comes from two sources: the initial contribution of new Clearing Members and the Clearing Members' contribution to the transaction value at a certain percentage of the exchange transaction value. The Guarantee Fund's value derived from the new Clearing Members' initial contribution is IDR 5,000,000,000 (five billion rupiah). The amount is based on IDClear Regulation Number II-3 concerning Clearing Members. While the determination of the amount of the Guarantee Fund value as a certain percentage of the exchange transaction value refers to OJK Regulation NO. 26/POJK.04/2014 and OJK Circular Letter No. 23/SEOJK.04/2015 concerning Guarantee Fund Contribution Based on Transaction Value.
The following is the value of the Guarantee Fund contribution for each product based on the circular letter issued by Indonesia Financial Services Authority:
- Guarantee Fund Contribution based on transaction value for Equity Securities transaction, amounting to 0.01% (one per ten thousand) of the value of each Equity Securities transaction
- Guarantee Fund Contribution based on transaction value for Securities Index Futures Contract transaction, amounting to 0.0006% (six per one million) of the value of each Securities Index Futures Contract transaction
- Guarantee Fund Contribution based on transaction value for transactions of debt securities and Sukuk, amounting to 0.00125% (one hundred twenty-five per ten million) of the value of each transaction of debt securities and Sukuk
- Guarantee Fund Contribution based on the transaction value for equity option contract transactions is 0.01% (one per ten thousand) of the option contract's value.
To find out the position of the value of the Guarantee Fund managed by IDClear until the last period, please read here.
The Value of Guarantee Fund