How to Report

Types of Reporting Channels

  1. 1. Email

    Reports should be submitted through the Complaint Report Form and sent to: or PO BOX-1023-JKS-12010, with Subject: WBS KPEI. The following are the terms of sending the complaint report:

    1. Do not use Company email;
    2. Contact information of the reporter by stating the phone number or email that can be contacted (suggested using a pseudonym);
    3. Email Content:
      • Complaint Report File:
      • *.pdf and given a password
      • *.rar or *.zip and given a password
      • *.rar or *.zip becomes an email attachment
    4. Make sure the email body is empty
    5. Password length must be at least 9 characters;
    6. Password must consist of a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters and numbers. It is recommended to add special characters;
    7. Passwords do not use words that are common and easily guessed by others, for example Password012, or letters and numbers that are close together on the keyboard, for example: Qwerty123;
    8. Use of the following as part of the password is prohibited:
      • The login name and part of the login name;
      • Acronyms/abbreviations and common words or reverse spelling of words;
      • Names of people, places or dates of birth;
      • Parts of memorable numbers such as phone numbers, ID numbers, or home addresses.