Why should I blow the whistle on misconduct?
Blowing the whistle on misconduct will help BEI continues to be a safe, fair, and honest place to work. Misconduct will provide negative impact to our workplace and reputation. By reporting the misconduct, you can help the Company to minimise various misconduct within our workplace.
Can I remain anonymous?
You are recommended to provide your identity, at least providing your address/telephone/ handphone/facsimile/email. However, it is all up to you whether you choose to remain anonymous or not. At times you may not be able to remain anonymous as your identity may be apparent to BEI from the information given to us. The identity of the whistleblower is protected as it will be kept in confidentiality by Letter to IDX, unless the whistleblower chooses to reveal it.
The whistleblower may also choose to remain anonymous. Every effort will be made not to reveal the identity to the extent feasible and permissible under the law.
What happens when I make a call?
Telephone calls to Letter to IDX hotline are not recorded. You will be asked by Letter to IDX to provide your identity. Your report will be known in addition to the reference number as well as your identity given to Letter to IDX.
What type of misconduct should I report?
Any suspected incidents involving all people of BEI such as:
- Fraud
- Breaches of Policy
- Conflict of Interest
- Sexual Harrassment
- Theft/Embezzlement
- Illegal Activities
- Suspicious Securities Transaction Activities
- Fraud of Exhange Members (related to securities transactions)
- Fraud of Listed Company (related to listing activity)
What do I need to tell Letter to IDX?
Tell Letter to IDX as much as you can when you blow the wistle on misconduct. For example:
- Names of people involved
- Names of any witnesses
- Date, time and location of the incident(s)
- Chronology of the incident(s)
- Details of evidence (if any)
- Total loss (value) (if any)
- Frequency of incident(s)
What if I suspect something is wrong, but I am not sure?
Most cases reported are uncovered through tips from honest and caring people who are not fully certain of the facts. That is perfectly all right. We do not expect you to know every detail. Reporting what you know is sufficient.
Will I be involved after I report an incident?
A whistleblower could assist in providing additional information during investigation phase and if necessary, he/she can become a witness during further legal action phase.
If you have any new or additional information, or would like to make any amendments to your report, you can contact us at any time and mention the Reference Number given at the beginning you submit the report.
For your information, BEI is not obliged to disclose the result of investigation to you.
How soon will the Letter to IDX team send the report to BEI after a call is reported?
Letter to IDX will provide a report to the WBS team of BEI within maximum 2 (two) business day after your contact. In the event of life-threatening cases, we will inform BEI WBS team immediately.
How many times can I contact Letter to IDX?
You can contact Letter to IDX as many times as you wish to report any suspected corporate wrongdoing.
Are law enforcement agencies notified of reports made to Letter to IDX?
The information reported to Letter to IDX is forwarded to the BEI WBS team who is responsible to address misconduct. If the Team decides that corrective action is necessary, they may notify the appropriate law enforcement agency when appropriate.
Will there be an investigation process after each report is made?
Whether there is an investigation depends on a number of factors such as information provided, details of incident(s), documentations and the policy of BEI. BEI WBS team will decide on the action required when they receive the report.
What personal information will Letter to IDX collect about you or others?
When you send the report to Letter to IDX, we will collect information about the caller and anyone else involved in the conduct provided by the caller.
How will Letter to IDX use or disclose any personal information?
Letter to IDX will consider the most appropriate ways to use or disclose any personal information provided to it in so far as it assists in dealing with the disclosure.