
Equity products that are traded on the exchange are stocks, warrants, rights, and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). A stock is defined as a proof of ownership entitled to a person or party (institution) for a corporation or limited liability company. By investing in the company, the person or institution has a claim on the company's income, a claim on the company's assets, and has voting rights at the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS). Warrants are securities issued by a company that entitle the stock owners to buy additional shares of the company at a specified price for a 6 (six) months period or more. Rights are rights attached to the shares and can be transferred, which allows existing shareholders to buy new securities, including stocks or securities that can be converted into shares and warrants, before being offered to the other parties. Meanwhile, ETF is portfolio investment products that are admitted to listing or trading on a regulated exchange.

Currently, exchange transactions are dominated by equity products, especially stocks, while debts and derivatives have been less attractive to investors. Investors perceive that stock investment risk is more scalable compared to derivatives, while investors trading debt securities prefer to trade over the counter (OTC).

  • Stocks angle-down

    Stock is one of the most popular financial instruments. Issuing stock is one of the choices for a company’s funding. Moreover, stock is investors' favourite investment instrument because it offers them an interesting return rate.

    Stock can be defined as a sign of capital participation of an individual or institution in a company or corporation. By investing in a company, the party has the claim for the company’s income, assets, and right to attend the General Meeting of Shareholders

    Clearing of Equity Transactions Simulation (Stocks):

    Date Buy Sell Clearing
    26 November 2021 CM X buys ASII 4.000 shares at IDR 8,000 with transaction valued at IDR 32,000,000 from CM Y CM X sells ASII 5.000 shares at IDR 8,000 with transaction valued at IDR 40,000,000 to CM Z  
    CM X buys TLKM 3.000 shares at IDR 5,000 with transaction valued at IDR 15,000,000 from CM Y CM X sells TLKM 1.000 shares at IDR 5,000 with transaction valued at IDR 5,000,000 to CM Z
    28 November 2021     Netting for ASII: CM X conduct securities submission of 1.000 shares of ASII to IDClear and receive cash valued IDR 8,000,000 from IDClear
    Netting for TLKM: CM X conduct cash submission valued IDR 10.000.000 to IDClear and receive securities 2.000 shares of TLKM from IDClear
  • Warrants angle-down


  • ETF angle-down


  • HMETD angle-down